Fuad – Class Captain

Fu’ad is the Editor-In-Chief of Zikoko and the chief instigator of this project. His previous claim to fame is travelling all 36 states of Nigeria in a project called Pulse 36. Fu’ad is adept at digging nuanced and personal stories out of people and currently publishes NairaLife. Find him on Instagram
Kayode – Video Wiz

Kayode is a video editor based in Lagos where he makes short and long-form video content for BCM across platforms. He has worked in different capacities telling editorial stories with video formats. Find him on Instagram
Toketemu – Food Prefect

Toketemu is a Content Editor at Zikoko, covering women’s stories and food with equal verve. She is passionate about travel and documenting it in inventive and fresh ways. This is the trip she was born to make. Find her on Instagram.